image caption: Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate

Any group may win India has beter days ahead

 Tail Piece

Any group may win India 
has beter days ahead     
  Keeping in view the history and targets of contesting groups, people are confused to whom they must give power. The politicians too have started shifting in multiple numbers from one side to others too shows that they too are not bound to any one group permanently.  This shifting  system too shall continue to establish an absolute majority.  The voters too have started using their own wisdom and have started choosing better candidates. They wish that the candidates must work for them as their representatives and must not be supporters on all items.  If the elected members start to think of voters and become their representatives, not on all items, but a few and start working for the people of the areas, we can expect better results and some most worst problems too could be solved by using wisdom of all present in the House.   Silence of supporters should  be rare and on most of the items each one present in the house must come forward with his own conscience, wisdom and will.  Gornments for med till date had been working under one man the Prime Minister and inspite of al this process we had been making progress and if we start using wisdom of all in the house, better results are expected. And it seems that teh voters shall be concentrating on the candidates when there is no Prime Ministers- designates. Let the voters may avoid choosing such people who shall just mark their presence in teh House without performing their duties of representation.  A representative must mean representative and not be just a number in supporters list.The traditional system of supporting and opposing must change and each one present must become real representative of the people of his area and even of the whole nation.
All candidates entering employment market must know their occupations     
  Here in India, we have idenfied all professions, trade, callings and occupations and even duties and responsibilities  are attached. Most of our youths are preparing themselves choosing their profession, trades, callings and occupations employment and therefore each onemust choose his profession, trade, calling and occupation in employent himself.  If need be he must take Vocational Guidance. He must know what education, training and expertises are necessary and he also must know that there is competition  for entry.  Simple completing age isnot sufficient.  All the jobs require work and one must be ready towork.  A youth must know that only general education shall not workand even Employment Exchanges cannot help youths coming  and asking for General Vacancies. As far India is concerned, there are schools, colleges, universities, training institutions and even high ertrainings too are available and if particular trainings and people in those lines are surplus, the candidates can choose related trades and enter subordinate ositions with opportunities to go ahead.     
  The youths who are not trained for a particular job remain sunemployed and can create troubles for teh society.  The parents and the state must take care of each youth and must ensure that each oneis given right directions in time.  Most of the parents are not in a position to work on these plans because of their poverty and knowledgeof employment market.  The youths must get training  for those jobswhere there is shortage and training youth for surplus category toodoes not work.Vocational Guidance must start from school times so thateach student must be having knowledge of future employment market. Where specific training institutions are not there, we can create apprenticeship programmes.
Youths in a developed country 
must be responsible citizens     
  There are pronouncements that our country shall be standing in line with Developed Countries and we we all the citizens of India too must try to ensure that India is great because of its Human-Resources too.  We had been slaves since centuries and  there had been no propermethod to raise standard of people.  Most of us had been living just for living sake and concept of proper life had not been even in ourdreams.  But today state parents and even youths themselves have startd to ensure proper development.  Health, Education, Training, Proper Employment  and proper wages are the main five basics which can turn the nation with responsible citizens.  When these fivers arefulfilled, only then we can expect resonsible citizens.  When this developed stge is achieved, we can say that we are a developed country.  We are a  nation of with so many religions, so many sub religions, so many castes, so many sub castes, so many social lives, having so many religious places, so many Holy books and for that we had adopted Secularism and all must believe in this unity and must live peacefully. Whole of India must become our country, opportunities of adopting occupations be free to all and all hates among the people must go. Peace, love for the country, love for the people and service of people are the proper basis of proper developed country.  We must understand that even political groups often try to disturb the peace just for sake of votes, but they cannot speak against the unity and integrity of India.  A country is great when all the citizens are responsible and united.  All citizens must understand that they are Masters and Owners of this country and all selected, elected and appointed are given pay and allowances and are Public Servnts and must have eye on their servants.  Even selection  and election must be proper and on merits.  And citizens are responsible to have proper supervision.
Contesting groups may claim victory-internally they know where they stand     
   Political groups  had been recruiting people and now a large number of people have joined this side.  Since these political groups have not written  their targets and usually use some techniques to win elections, we hae noticed that shifting of politicians from one group to an other has become a matter of routine.   Contesting groups often talk of victories, but internally each group iknow where it stands. Some experts start collecting information who will win and who will lose, even the contesting groups know their position before the elections.  These shifting of candidates from one group to another are those who know the fate of group and even leading people in the groups start filing nominations from two or more constituencies to ensure entry in the House.     
  The routine type of elections could not give us political groups having permanent targets and because of this weakness we could not concentrate on two or three political parties.  We have noticed that there had been family parties, even break-up in parties   based onprinciples.  Most of the members are claiming to be prime Ministers and trying to establish themselves as leaders.  And because of this process of claiming leadership, the people of India could not get aleader.    Only Prime Minister works and all others just support oroppose and none could establish his name with some special work hecould establish  against his name. Some times, the people feel that ifonly Prime Minister works, after appointment of Prime Minister, let all elected members must go to homs because they do not speak as perconscience, wisdom and will and if they use these qualities, none hears to them.
Contesting groups are silent 
on reinstatement of Punjab     
   The same groups which were present there, when this Punjab was
estblished and it is on record that because of semi political movementthis Punjab started reducing and now is a village-like state before us.  The AAP coming in power tried to have Chandigarh back by passing a resolution, but they too know that such a resolution is just a futile exercise.  A real Punjab available before us was first hit in partition of 1947 and political groups here started movements and slowely and steadly Himachal Pradesh and then Haryana and Chandigarh were taken away and no objection was raised.  Now all these bifurcations are matters of history and these contesting groups therefore, are silent on these re-union because none takes the riskof declaring that they were in teh wrong.  And now, when they talk of safety of Pujab they are under a fear that in due course Pathankot and Rajpura too can go to Himachal Pradesh and Haryana.  These contesting groups were present in one form or in an other form when all these bifurcations had been done because of political gains.  These withdrawals from Punjab could not achieve what was desired and agitated.  Had there been no movements even Blue Star Operation could have been avoided, no assassination of Mrs. Indira Gandhi and even riots of November, 1984 could have been avoided.  
The Sikhs suffered much  because of political movements for which there had been no consultation with the Sikhs.  And now history had taken its turn and reinstating Punjab in old state is  a matter of history and none shall have the courage like Narindra Modi jee when he could withdraw all three Farm Acts and did something great after independence and aftere stablishing democracy in this country.  Even teh contesting groups are not in a mood to admit their faults for disturbing the strong state of Punjab here in India.   And now this state shall remain without Capital of its own, without hills, without minerals, without jungles, with Bhakhra Dam without Electricity generation unit and all the corporate houses which had been shifted from Punjab. And because of unemployment  in this state most of youths are running to other countries and shall not becoming back. 
Let us begin with proper development of a child     
   If some contesting group talks of proper development of children, they are on right path.  There are chances of development becquse of science, technology, corporate system, introduction of democracy, written laws, rules and regulations and at the same time we must understand that the society too can rise  and that rise must begin with the child.  Child of today is manof tomorrow and therefore, if we want that our society too must rise with advancements  in other fields.  Health, education, training and making a man fit for an employment are items whih must be kept in mind by all the growing nations.  And if some contesting group talks on this subject, it must be encouraged because without proper growth of society our growths and developments  shall not enable us to declare that we too are developed country.  Had we started taking care of the child just after getting independence, the number of poor and backward people could have come down and even zero number could have been achieved.  The mistke could be corrected now and let us see that the next five years shall be the period when we shall take care of all children, specially children from poor families.The figures  do not show us growing, but a look on a member of society shall show that the society has properly developed to live in a developed country.
Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate  